How To Make $3000 Per Month From Yahoo Answer
I am again with new method for money making
Yahoo answer is good source of traffic and all you know traffic = money
I Bought a good tool name “Answer Assault” and that is money making machine for me.
I will show you how you can earn gud money with Answer Assault and yahoo answer.
Answer Assault is tool for yahoo answer. You can read more about tool here
So Here is method ————-
1. Buy Answer Assault (you can do manually posting on yahoo answer but trust me you can;t do that manually)
2. Install software on pc
3. Singup for CPA Company (Help here
4. Choose gud paying offer – Like date (not showing my original keywords)
4. Open Google Keyword tool
5. Now search “Online Dating” on keyword tools “exact” (tick – Only show ideas closely related to my search terms)
6. Select all keywords > then click More like these. Now you have over 100 keywords related to your niche.
7. Make Question with those keywords.
Examples :
Your keyword : online dating tips
Your Question title : Plz give me online dating tips
Description : optional but recommended
8. Create 300 to 800 question and answer with ur keywords (i know this is time taking work but this will give you gud money)
9. Open Answer Assault and create 50 – 100 separate yahoo answer account. (we will make 50 account level 2 account)
10. Now Ask question with those 100 acounts and your 50 accounts will give answer. Then choose your answer to best answer.
11. Once all your 50 account reached on level 2. Then make again 100 new account.
12. you can buy level 2 account from web then you can skip 8,9,10,
13. Create your affilaite url short with or you can choose any
13. Now post your keywords question with 100 new account and give answer with those 50 level 2 accounts. (remember you need to put your offer url in source and after each 2 answer post with url post 1-2 simple answer to another question without link. So your account and url will not ban on yahoo answer )
14. Now with software Choose Best Answer to your answer which include url
16. Watch your affilaite income grow each days.
15. Repeat and earn gud money each month ………
Tips : Don;t use same affiliate network. Put your eggs safe on different basket.
forget to add : Use proxy with software.
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