Wikipedia defines Twitter as "Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, informally known as "tweets.""
Twitter has over 200 million users with thousands of people signing up on daily. Most new user and some existing user don't know their way around Twitter. This made Mashable to come up with an ebook called Twitter Handbook.
Some of the content of the ebook are as follow:
- What is Twitter?
- Twitter Video Tutorials
- What is a retweet?
- How can I customize my Twitter background?
- What is a #hashtag?
- How can I build my personal brand on Twitter?
- Twitter terms to know
- tweet this
- Tips for building your Twitter Community
- What is #followfriday?
- How to find people on Twitter
- How do I find Twitter users in my town?
- Why aren’t people following me?
- What to do when you’ve followed too many people
- What’s a tweetup?
- Finding a job using Twitter
- Twitter tips for executives
- Twitter best practices for brands
- 40 of the best big brands on Twitter
- Using Twitter for customer service
- The media maker’s guide to Twitter
- tweet this
- Tools for organizing your Twitter community
- Twitter from your iPhone
- Managing multiple Twitter accounts
- Managing Twitter on your desktop
- Filtering your Twitter stream
- Creating groups on Twitter
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