10 Ways to Make Money From Your Blog
Blog monetizing is no doubt one of the main concerns most blog owners have. Unfortunately some blog owners would even go to the extent to looking for individual merchants to advertise on THEIR blog instead of the other way around. Talk about doing the opposite right? Well, fear no more because I’ll be listing the 10 of the most common ways you can be making money off your blog.
I cannot emphasize more on how much blog owners should experiment with these money making networks before committing to just one, because every blog has different strengths in terms of generating income through different methods, such as, CPA, CPM, PPS, or PPC. You’ll never know until you try because your blog could be the CPA type blog, but you’ll never know that until you try.
Also, another reminder is that the larger your web audience is, or traffic, the more valuable your blog is. Without a solid audience, what is there to monetize exactly? Nothing! Prices vary between blogs. There are a variation of reasons as to why a different blog might be asking for more for advertising on their blog compared to yours. It could be because of their own preference, their audience, rankings, and much more. You cannot really match blogs together and say they are equivalent without solid reasoning.
Review Sites
When asked to review another person’s site, or a published blog post, you are to emphasize in your own words what you possibly like or dislike about the site your reviewing. Ideally, the blog owner accepting the review site’s proposal has to do the writing because writing is part of the paycheck you receive after. Some great networks to find these particular offers can be found at SocialSpark.com, ReviewMe.com, Payperpost.com. If you have any experiences with these networks, feel free to note what experiences you had with them.
Allow Sponsored Postings
There is a difference between review postings and sponsored postings. Usually with sponsored postings, the sponsor provides the content, as all you do, is just copy and paste it onto your blog. Of course sponsored postings are generally significantly lower than review posts, but all in all, it is like free money right?
Offer Ad Blocks
This is probably the most common method for most blog owners simply because it is quick and easy. The most common ad blocks blogs use nowadays is the 125×125 image block.
Text Link Ads
Text link ads is probably one of the oldest monetization methods in the book, but of course, it is still effective till this day. Not only is it easy to add to any blog, it is quick and painless to get the text link ad up and running. Plus, you won’t have to worry if an advertiser’s image ad looked unprofessional or not.
In Content Ads
Konetera and Infolinks are examples of in content ads. They virtually don’t need any space whatsoever to operate in any blog, making them really mobile, however, can be annoying to readers at the same time. Being a professional blogger, I wouldn’t consider it because to me it is like saying to my readers, I don’t really have respect for you. Just read my content and perhaps carelessly click on one of my in content ads and go away. But that’s just my opinion. I bet a lot of Bloggers would disagree with me.
Promote Your Services
Got a service to offer? Whether it be logo designing, web designing, offering SEO assistantance, whatever, blogs can help to better promote your service through out the web to finding more potential customers who can significantly increase your income. This is one of the reasons why every business owner should have their own blog as well.
Try Promoting CPA Offers
What does CPA mean? CPA means Cost per Action or in other words if a visitor goes through a certain process you get paid. But the catch is that some visitors don’t completely go through the whole process, which means CPA isn’t exactly for everyone. In most cases, promoting CPA is most effective in blog posts as well as being in the sidebar if the CPA offer your promoting already has some really killer banners, and perhaps a killer landing page too.
Promoting PPC (Pay per Click)
Some well known PPC networks like Google Adsense, and Chitika, are great examples of PPC programs that about any blog or website can incorporate within a few minutes of getting an account. In most cases, what determines how much revenue you to get from PPC, all depends on the positioning and the colors of the ads. Emphasizing on your ads to your new visitors is the way to go if you want to make more money with PPC. Testing a mixture of colors and tones is the key to making more with PPC.
Pay Per Sale (PPS)
If you got a killer landing page and some really persuasive English literature, you could get away with multiple sales within days. Although most consider PPS to be only for Internet marketers, bloggers can pretty much get away with it as well. If PPS isn’t your style, simply move on to the next method. PPS is most effective when used in a blog post. A great example of this from Caroline, can be found here.
CPM (Cost per Impression)
Last, but not least, CPM or should I say Cost per Impression. This method of monetizing is probably the most rarest, knowing that CPM is traffic based. If your blog is traffic heavy and in a niche like sports entertainment, that has low cost per click rates, then CPM is the right method for you. In most cases they pay by the 1,000th’s impression. About every large entertainment, traffic heavy website or blog, use CPM as their way to make money simply due to their large volume of visitors.
This was a guest post provided by Albert Fang. He is a blogger as well as an Internet marketer, emphasizing on the ways to make money online. Want to learn more about him? Feel free to visit his blog.
SOURCE: http://www.gathersuccess.com/blogging-tips/10-ways-to-make-money-from-your-blog
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